Therapeutic Healing Arts

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice that involves inserting sterile, single-use, hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and treat various conditions. Acupuncture isn’t painful and most patients experience deep relaxation due to acupuncture’s ability to stimulate the parasympathetic (“Rest & Digest”) nervous system. Traditionally, acupunct... Read More

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice that involves inserting sterile, single-use, hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and treat various conditions. Acupuncture isn’t painful and most patients experience deep relaxation due to acupuncture’s ability to stimulate the parasympathetic (“Rest & Digest”) nervous system. Traditionally, acupuncture is said to restore balancing Yin & Yang and by unblocking and restoring the flow the of Qi & Blood. Modern research has shown acupuncture can release neurotransmitters, modulates hormones, stimulates nerves & connective tissues, release muscle tension, improve circulation, and regulate immune function. Simply put, acupuncture relieves pain and helps restore homeostasis.

Myofascial Release Therapy

For pain management and post-surgical rehabilitation. Through restoration of tissue length and decompression of joints. Have your movements felt more restricted or less mobile due to accidents, injuries, surgery or a lot of high impact living? When conventional therapies and stretching take you only so far, consider adding Myofascial relapse to jump to your next level of healing. Myofascial... Read More

For pain management and post-surgical rehabilitation. Through restoration of tissue length and decompression of joints. Have your movements felt more restricted or less mobile due to accidents, injuries, surgery or a lot of high impact living? When conventional therapies and stretching take you only so far, consider adding Myofascial relapse to jump to your next level of healing.

Myofascial release is about applying a light pressure, traction or stretch to an often painfully restricted and contracted area of the body. The response is gradual lengthening of your bodies tissues (muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia, nerve) without the need for it to defend and there for oppose the shift. The time factor taken is what allows the body to release a painful or contracted area and why your body will lengthen its tissues. This then allows for the restoration of range of motion, the increase in flexibility and decrease in pain and very importantly the re-alignment of your bones, particularly the spine.

When the human body receives impact from a physical, mental or emotional blow it literally tightens and contracts. Usually this is released in due time, but these days we usually too many impacts to release the previous ones. Our bodies tighten in the fascia, muscle, bones, tendons and ligaments. Eventually, once too tight we experience loss of mobility (sometimes called aging), pain, spinal or pelvic shifts (one leg shorter), compaction (loosing height)and a whole host of undiagnosed ailments and issues.

Myofascial release helps with injuries that cause pain and decreased mobility, for scar tissue and adhesions, repetitive strain issues, ecpmpressing joints, spine and neck. It is gentle and slow, working to restore ease of motion, your ability to move well again. When your body’s defence system is not engaged the tissue will actually lengthen and have the chance to move back into equilibrium, thereby allowing your bones to move back to their correct positions on their own without cranking.

Holistic Health Nutrition

Personalized Support. You are truly unique. There is no “one size fits all” protocol when it comes to your nutrition and health. In order for you to thrive and feel your best, you need a personalized approach. We’ll start with meaningful conversations and intake forms to help me understand your goals. If we collectively decide to do any lab testing, I’ll go ahead and get that set up for you (th... Read More

Personalized Support. You are truly unique. There is no “one size fits all” protocol when it comes to your nutrition and health. In order for you to thrive and feel your best, you need a personalized approach. We’ll start with meaningful conversations and intake forms to help me understand your goals. If we collectively decide to do any lab testing, I’ll go ahead and get that set up for you (this might include food sensitivity testing, hair and mineral analysis, and hormone testing). After reviewing your results, we’ll design a Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan tailored specifically for your unique needs. This often involves dietary changes, possible supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments (modifications to physical activity, stress management, sleep, daily habits, and more). Healing is a journey, and I want you to experience long-term wellness. Through a therapeutic partnership we will work together to track your progress over time and adapt your wellness plan as necessary.


Reflexology is a focused pressure technique directed at the feet & is based on the premise that there are zones & reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body. When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any energies in the corresponding zones... Read More

Reflexology is a focused pressure technique directed at the feet & is based on the premise that there are zones & reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body.

When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any energies in the corresponding zones. Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic response clearing & releasing a physiological change in the body. With stress removed and circulation enhanced, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis which is the automatic process that the body incorporates to bring it back to the “normal” state.

The benefits of Reflexology are: relaxation with the removal of stress, enhanced circulation, assists the body to normalize the metabolism naturally and compliments all other healing modalities. General or specific stress (more than 80%) of North American disease can be related to stress) Stress can affect all reflexes.

Valerie Rose Dyer is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CTCMPAO). With more than 20 years of experience treating a wide range of health issues Valerie has helped many patients with their healing process using acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, TDP therapy, qi gong, reiki and gua sha.

TCM acupuncture treatments are always individualized, every protocol depends on each individual’s symptoms, constititution and patterns being presented, the whole person is consider and treatments are designed to treat the patients symptoms and underlying root cause.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture has been used to successfully to treat millions of people over the past 4,000 years. It is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system as a safe and non-invasive approach. Traditional Chinese medical texts say: that pain results from the congestion, stagnation, and blockage of vital energy, vital fluids, lymph, phlegm, and blood. If pain is the essence of disease, then suffering is a result of obstructed or irregular flow in the body energy network. Acupuncture needles inserted along specific meridians can bring balance to the body’s energy network, improve vitality, blood circulation and restore the natural balance of the body’s mechanisms.

Acupuncture helps the body heal it’s self!

  • Traditional Chinese Acupuncture can treat a wide variety of health conditions

  • sciatic pain, frozen shoulder, whiplash, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, arthritis, traumas from injury or post-surgery, toothache, TMJ pain, pain in knees, feet, hands, elbows or stiffness and swelling in the body
  • headaches, migraines and dizziness
  • stress,  tiredness, anxiety, depression, insomnia and poor memory
  • abdominal disorders, epigastric pain, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux and nausea
  • people with autoimmune disorders: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, MS and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • menstruation problem, PMS and hot flashes, fertitity issues
  • tinnitus, ringing in the ears and deafness
  • atrophy syndromes, paralysis and Bell’s palsy
  • oedema, urinary bladder problems and infections
  • hypertension, angina, chest pain and high blood pressure
  • asthma, common cold, coughing, allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis

And many more.

Valerie Rose Dyer is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) with the College of Traditional Chinese Me... Read More

Nicole Schur, CD, MASc, CNP, RYT Certified Nutritional Practitioner | Holistic Nutritionist Founder | Owner of Nicole Schur Wellness

Are you tired of not being able to show up for your own life in the way that you want to? Are you confused by the overload of information telling you to try this and eliminate that? If so, then you are in the right place and I would love to help you!

I am a holistic nutritionist with one goal: to make healthy living simple. Let’s cut through all the commotion to help you optimize your health and feel alive in your body, once and for all. My personalized approach focuses on finding the root cause of your discomfort or health imbalances through nutrition, lab testing, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Some of the reasons you might consider working with me:

Stress/anxiety Food allergies or intolerance Digestive concerns (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, cramping etc.) Low energy Chronic pain Poor sleep Hormone imbalances Insulin resistance Depression/low mood Weight gain/loss Specialized diets Disease prevention (let’s talk about Longevity and Health Span – it’s my passion!) Immune system optimization Reconnecting to your body + nature

What you’ll experience:

Personalized Support. You are truly unique. There is no “one size fits all” protocol when it comes to your nutrition and health. In order for you to thrive and feel your best, you need a personalized approach. We’ll start with meaningful conversations and intake forms to help me understand your goals. If we collectively decide to do any lab testing, I’ll go ahead and get that set up for you (this might include food sensitivity testing, hair and mineral analysis, and hormone testing). After reviewing your results, we’ll design a Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan tailored specifically for your unique needs. This often involves dietary changes, possible supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments (modifications to physical activity, stress management, sleep, daily habits, and more). Healing is a journey, and I want you to experience long-term wellness. Through a therapeutic partnership we will work together to track your progress over time and adapt your wellness plan as necessary. 
If you’re ready to start feeling better every day then book your free (super casual, no obligation) 20 minute Discovery Call to see if we’d make an ideal team. Let’s get you on the road to improved health and wellness – I am confident I can help you!

Nicole Schur, CD, MASc, CNP, RYT Certified Nutritional Practitioner | Holistic Nutritionist Found... Read More

It is my pleasure to provide a professional certified Reflexology service at Therapeutic Healing Arts!

Reflexology is a focused pressure technique directed at the feet & is based on the premise that there are zones & reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body.

When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any energies in the corresponding zones. Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic response clearing & releasing a physiological change in the body. With stress removed and circulation enhanced, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis which is the automatic process that the body incorporates to bring it back to the “normal” state.

The benefits of Reflexology are: relaxation with the removal of stress, enhanced circulation, assists the body to normalize the metabolism naturally and compliments all other healing modalities. General or specific stress (more than 80%) of North American disease can be related to stress) Stress can affect all reflexes.

Some experiences of Reflexology with Lori are: “Reflexology with Lori absolutely settles my central nervous system” Retired Business Woman.

“Reflexology with Lori. Mental Health: should be an essential service” Gentleman in Sports Industry.

“It’s like your playing the piano in tune with your instrument. Very deep & thorough; Lori is very energetic & connected” Manager Trucking Company.

“I haven’t been this relaxed since the last time I was here” Doctor.

“It takes the mental stress away. I feel so relaxed” Police Officer.

“Your Reflexology, Lori, was Bang On with what I needed” Military.

“After Reflexology with Lori, I can still feel the energy working days later” Perth Business Owner.

It is my pleasure to provide a professional certified Reflexology service at Therapeutic Healing ... Read More

Ross Struthers, R.Ac, R.TCMP

Ross is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP). Ross graduated with the award for academic excellence for the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner program at Humber College in Mississauga. Ross also holds a Diploma of Shiatsu Therapy (Japanese Acupressure Massage) from the Shiatsu School of Canada, and a BA in psychology from Queen’s University.

While living in Japan, Ross became fascinated by the holistic approach of Traditional East Asian Medicine. After years of study and practice, he now enjoys combining traditional practices like acupuncture, massage, cupping, Guasha (tool-assisted massage), and Chinese herbal medicines to create customized and effective treatments for his patients. Ross is equally enthusiastic about applying his skills to treat muscle and joint issues like neck, back, or knee pain; frozen shoulder, arthritis, and tendonitis, as well as internal issues such as headaches, insomnia, digestive & reproductive issues, and fibromyalgia.

Ross is a dedicated healthcare professional, enthusiastic about applying the therapeutic healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine to helping you!

Ross Struthers, R.Ac, R.TCMP Ross is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.) and Traditional Chinese ... Read More

Monika Tinneberg has performed BodyWork for over 30 years.  Those decades of practise have led to an unique style that is highly effective and supremely relaxing.

The predominant influence in her style of work comes from Chinese Therapeutic Massage and Myofascial Release Therapy.  The treatments are at times vigorous, yet incredibly sedating, as the the larger muscle groups are ‘cajoled’ into releasing, plus taking extra time to work those contracted areas means a deeper tissue level is reached without undue pain.  This results in your body truly being able to relax, take the treatment in and ultimately be more effective in affecting changes in the tissue, especially good for pain reduction, compacted joints, spine and neck and seized or contracted muscles.

Monika listens to the feedback signals that each body on her table sends, telling her when to release, when to move in deeper, when to leave or return.  This enables an extremely tailored treatment as your body signals are listened to and lead the way. 
Monika has studied Chinese Therapeutic Massage with Chongding Zhang, a traditional Chinese Medical doctor from China, who is also a Qi Gong Master.  She apprenticed 1 year with Bill Rhodenizer of Fascial North,  a physiotherapist in Ottawa, who practises solely Myofascial Release Therapy.   She has done course work with the John Barnes passive Myofascial therapy seminars.  She has completed course work with the Upledger Institute in lymphatic drainage and complimented that with further lymphatic drainage coursework with Janet McFarland, owner and teacher of Cookstown Physiotherapy.

Monika Tinneberg has performed BodyWork for over 30 years.  Those decades of practise have led t... Read More

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Located at: 40 Sunset Blvd, Suite 45, Perth
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